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Devlog 1.1.12

-- This Patch --

-Added Quest 11.

-Character selection is introduced in this patch.

-New female player character.

-New tutorial instructions.

-New character changer. Go to the left side of the village there is a building under the portal building.

-Waterfall is now animated. Sound effects coming soon with a whole sound rework.

-Resized and refitted every level so the new characters fit better.

-Re-did most of GUI and textures, buttons, pop-ups and tutorials.

-- Future Patches --

-Linux has been requested and hopefully I'll have it out soon.

-Working on a native executable for windows and linux.

-Working on a sound rework that will add volume controls for spells, ambient, etc.

-Working on the resolution scale to allow you to choose a resolution and windowed or fullscreen.

-Working on a new puzzles to add some variety.

-Working on a few new spell ideas to mix up combat a bit.