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(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! You're a true believer - all hail cell 5.

We hope to release it this year, but we're currently only working on it in our spare time (apart from our day jobs), so it's hard to give definite timetables.

But it's coming along! We've been working on a huge update that will hopefully be out in the next few weeks 🙂

I gotta ask, when the heretic assassin does it's ability, when it says "random" does that mean that it will attack anyone so long as no one from the enemy is holding a hormonal amplifier? because when i have multiple heretic assassins and no enemy has the hormonal amplifier they still only attack the same target.

Correct, anyone without hormonal amplifier. I've noticed that too and it's possible it's a bug - I'll look into it thank you!

np, it's really fun what you have made