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Wow, thanks for checking it out,  I feel honored! 

I've been playing Summer Sweepers recently, enjoyed it a lot!
Very unique approach, random encounters are great, minesweeper mechanics implemented in interesting unique way, meta progression feels good and probably the best implementation I've seen (second only to Simply Mindy perhaps) 

Even tho some characters and themes are not my cup of tea, I still 100% it, and got plenty of inspiration and new ideas! 

Overall one of the best recent H games I've played, will check your other projects for sure when I have time  ( ˙▿˙ )

You've got a really neat approach and style to your work, so it's cool hear that you can find what I do inspiring. Summer Sweepers is a really different game from what you're making, and I am surprising and delighted that you liked it! I played a lot of Simply Mindy and Soo Cubus too! Just how much do different developers end up playing each others games?

Looking forward to whatever you decide to make next!


I am not sure myself yet about what am I making  :D Just trying things before taking on a bigger game, so more good ideas the better. 
Simply Mindy was one on my first long H games, and remains one of my favorites . It's a shame sexums went away from making games :(