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who knows how to hack money? :)


win+R, write "regedit".Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Software; Fatal Fire Studio; FAP NIGHT AT FRENNI's. Click to XP_h5862861 and write 999999999999999999999.


whered u write it?

Hey i tried it and my money go down to -100000 are you sure that is right?


val too high, just write 99999


(2^32 is 4294967296 so if you were on a 32 bit system that makes sense i guess otherwise i got nothing, but 2^64 is 18446744100000000000 roughly so that would overflow too so idk prob just dumb)

Don't suppose there is a value to change your avatar's size?


I don't see the registry value.

i din't find the studio on my pc

tried to do it, couldn't find it