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And while Im here, I'll explain the rest too: when you get into the apt, the dude isnt there and you need to find the address to where he went. There are lots of post cards on the fridge. One of those has the address. There is a weird machine in the middle of the room. It allows you to check out one of his memories. That memory has clues to help narrow it down so *which* of the postcards becomes clear. Again - this is all poorly explained in game. I thought it was being *clever*. It was not. 

But when you find the address, you send a message (compose message button in the main menu by pressing "q") to twilight (message address for twilight can be found in other message but for the purpose of cutting out any's k.twilight) that contains the correct address. 

I will keep this all-in mind in-case I decide to revisit this game whenever it's further updated/or not in early access mode. Still a good game so far, looks super promising. If I were to suggest something I would add a objectives thing that is always in the top corner or can be opened/closed via a key bind, that would help the player a ton. I didn't know about a dead body hanging over a door and if I did see it, I assumed it was just a scenery placement.