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A member registered Nov 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

For being made for a game jam this was pretty damn solid! loved the whole game throughout and would like to see more from you! Made a video on it.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Short but pretty decent for being your first game. Could see more killer action like being chased, since the game sort of hinted at that occurring at least from my perspective. Made a video on it.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Short but not bad at all especially for being your first game. Loved the idea of things keeping creepier and creepier as we keep getting sent back and forth to the room. Made a video on it.

For being made for a game jam, this was not bad! Had an issue with the game relentlessly stealing the mouse cursor which made setting up recording slightly tricky Lol. Made a video on it.

Yet another amazing game by David Mills! Have to say this was super fun, love this idea of a game and have enjoyed the previous game that covered other cartoons. Hope to see more like this in the future! Made a video on it.

What a solid game! Loved the mechanic with the flashlight. You need it, but at the same time you can't leave it on all the time or else you get killed. Really changes the way flashlights have always worked in horror games. Made a video on it.

This was honestly pretty fun! Didn't end up getting all the endings, managed to get 2. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Definitely weird and creepy. Made a video on it.

For what this was, it was quite good! Pretty solid mascot horror game tbh, creepier than most for sure. Made a video on it.

For what this was, it was quite good! Loved as you worked the night shift things got spookier and spookier. Made a video on it. Repost.

For being made for a game jam, this was quite good! Loved the old-school character controls and how limited it was, and the combat system was top notch. Made a video on it.

This was quite good! Lighting could use a tone down and the interaction system could be improved but overall, not bad. Made a video on it.

This was a pretty solid game! Encountered one bug to where you can end up past the hat without taking a photo of it and end up getting soft locked requiring a restart of the game. Apart from that, solid experience. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was. Loved the whole idea with the mirror! Made a video on it.

For what this was, it was quite good! Story was pretty good and the fight at the end was hilarious. 😆Almost thought you didn't spray the monster. Made a video on it.

For what this was, it was not bad! Could use some bug fixing as while I played the game kept freezing/unfreezing at random and there is a SoftLock where the plates in the nightmare segment will fall through the table/floor and cause the player to have to restart the game. Apart from that, not bad. Made a video on it.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

This was a pretty solid little game! Love the camera mechanic especially when a monster is crawling towards you, and you need to snap a quick photo to get rid of it. Really loved that. Made a video on it.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Super short but not bad at all for what this was! Definitely felt random but the infinite nightmare idea seemed really cool. Made a video on it.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Short but not bad at all for what this was, cool idea with the radio just never pressed e or did and nothing happened which further confused me xD. Made a video on it.

I tried to record this game, but sadly even borderless gaming cannot get it from a full screen state into a windowed mode state. Which me being on a ultrawide means the game spans my entire monitor and I can't record it. Game looks super good but sadly due to the game forcing Fullscreen mode It inhibits my ability to make a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Made a video on it.

(1 edit)

Absolutely LOVED this game! Felt like I was playing old school silent hill/resident evil sometimes, really loved the style of this game, the 3rd person perspective, the tank controls, etc. And for being made in 2 weeks for a game jam this was impressive! Made a video on it.

For being made for a game jam this was really solid! Loved the whole story with the earthquake and how we got fired for it Lol. Made a video on it.

Yet another awesome game by max horror! Got to say this was not bad at all! Loved how it got creepier instantly and that chasing segment was superb! Made a video on it.

For being a demo, this was not bad! Could use a brightness slider as certain parts to a puzzle I could not see like the lever in that one room. Apart from that, not bad. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all! Made a video on it.

This was quite fun! Loved the barking mechanic to find out who the alien might be... Really solid idea! Got all the endings. Made a video on it.

This was pretty solid! Love these liminal space horror games. Creepy/eerie without really needing the use of jump scares. Graphics were superb and the atmosphere was top notch. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad for what this was. Made a video on it.

(2 edits)

The app I have been using for years is Borderless Gaming which usually works fine but yeah for this one it just flat out didn't work. I will check out reso and see if it works! Edit; Can't seem to find reso anywhere. Edit2 It does do it fine but it Fullscreen it and changes the windows resolution. I'll just be patient and wait until next week Lol.

(1 edit)

Is there a reason why this game can't be put in Windowed mode? Tried everything to alt enter to even programs and it won't enter windowed. Looks like a solid game just it goes into full screen on my 32:9 ultrawide so I can't record it.

For what this was, it was not bad! I got stumped and didn't know you needed to place the thing on the pedestal Lol. But loved exploring the caves. That one jump scare absolutely got me haha. Made a video on it.

Almost didn't notice act 2 came out! Gotta say this was pretty dang solid. Loved the story throughout and that hiding section was quite fun and scary. For taking a year this was top notch! Cannot wait for maybe a potential Act 3. Made a video on it.

(Posting this to the demo game page too)
(1 edit)

Almost didn't notice act 2 came out! Gotta say this was pretty dang solid. Loved the story throughout and that hiding section was quite fun and scary. For taking a year this was top notch! Cannot wait for maybe a potential Act 3. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Managed to get all the endings. Made a video on it.

This was a pretty cool/neat game! Loved the whole streamer idea considering I do that myself and loved how it got creepier as time went on. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Really suspenseful! Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was. Made a video on it.

Short but not bad at all for what this was. This was definitely weird. Kind of unsettling in certain moments haha. Made a video on it.