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(3 edits) (+3)

The old one has a colder facial expression and makes it great for ignore sex and stealth sex fetish.

Remaining her professionalism so hard, if nobody sees her naked body, nobody knows she's actually a company's meat toilet. This is what makes her sexier.

For Example,

Here's more examples with bukkakes,

Her getting fucked with calm expression makes her looks like she's a natural free use meat toilet.


Thank you, this is very helpful!


To add on to all that, it'd be a nice feature within customization settings to be able to switch to older versions of artwork even if they're incomplete sets or from unfinished stages. It could be included as separate DLC if it triples the game's file size, or it could just be files we can manually replace. I don't know what sort of things might make it difficult to implement, but I'm loving the game either way it goes.

(1 edit)

This is a great take and I can see why it's hot. To offer another perspective, I love the new character design for Candace because it's the opposite/complement to what's described here.

That Candace seems like a perfect businesswoman that happens to be a slut and is adept at ignoring the lewd.

But the current Candace is like the perfect slut who has found a way to hack in it corporate life. I love the vibe of her trying to keep composure and generally not being good at it. Her productivity problems might annoy people but no one can really be mad at their employer-provided cumdump for long. (see: the "mistakes in your report" dialogue)

The feeling of sluttiness endearing you to a community or allowing them to gloss over flaws/mistakes is a powerful fantasy this game captures perfectly.

hey mate can i have the sources for the gifs ?