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This is a poster child for constructive criticism! 

Great thoughts and incredibly thorough explanation!  Thanks for playing the game.  I'm so glad you enjoyed it.  I will have to check out Gyrus.  I've never played it.  

Seriously thank you for the feedback.  I personally liked the screen shake with low health, but I definitely see what you mean about making tracking more difficult, so I dialed it back quite a bit so it's hopefully not so distracting.

Also, I adopted (closely) your status bar recommendation and it actually opened up a lot of space to fix some things and add some features!

I hope you enjoy the changes.  I also hope you don't mind my adding you to the credits under my list of play testers!

No problem! And I don't mind it at all! You even used the full-sized icons, that looks better than my mockup!

Seeing how the shield meter grows now has me wonder if it should be an incremental upgrade like firepower rather than instantly give you the largest shield. It would slightly increase difficulty sure, but since you've made enemies a bit easier in early stages now, I think this would fit along with the smoother difficulty scaling.

I've got an upcoming update that'll include that, along with quite a few additions and adjustments.  Way more than I figured I'd have room for.  

The biggest improvement I've got incoming is that the waves will consistently move from one to the next without skipping.  Hoping to upload it tonight!