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Hey! Sorry for not answering before - didn't notify me of you answer...

Yeah, you shouldn't be worried about using characters like Rama - dating sims of all sorts are full of characters with lighter stories and less tortured minds. While a character like him is uncommon and I understand the doubts you may have felt before the release, I think it's nice to have such a change of pace from the usual formula, and all of my friends I talked to about the game liked the concept of that character.

Angst isn't a bad thing in a VN game about romance - it's nice to see it taken really seriously. The only thing that should, in my opinion, be avoided is not allowing a character to have a good ending. I mean, in a game where the whole point is to reach a happy ending, it's always very sad if one or more character doesn't get that. A good example is the BL game Kuro no Tsuki - it isn't a very good game to be honest, even if I like it because of fond memories related to it. But one character in the game dies if you do his ending, while he lives in every other route. That's the kind of things that shouldn't be done haha!

I kinda understand why some people would think Rama's route is too "slow", but I think it's necessary for a character like him, and his route doesn't lack events - the only thing that is slow paced is the romance progression itself, not the amount of encounters with the character. So yeah, in that case I'd rather say it was not a route suited for the people who said that rather than a weakness in the route itself - I'm fairly sure lots of people like it as much as I do! It would have been very "random" if suddenly the romance appeared at the moment when he may die in the forest after not progressing much before. But even at that moment, while he opened up a bit, it wasn't quite there - it was subtle enough to make it a logical progression. At the same time, I actually did see Tamara's feeling growing stronger and stronger before that point, wich is some kind of progression, even if Rama wasn't showing the same things. I think some people discard the MC a bit too much and focus only on the love interst they're pursuing. I think the MC's feelings are important too for the progression of a story.

Hi Konoi, and no problem! I'm often late at replying too ><

As for Rama, I'm glad to hear you like his concept! In the future, there will be more uncommon characters -I read and watch a lot of genres, but somehow, the ones that stuck in my head are always either angst/fluff :") you can expect a strangely angst but also fluffy stories from me lol

Oh, and don't worry, I won't make tragedy stories like in your example, Kuro no Tsuki. That is just a big NO o.o; If there is, I will definitely make an U-Turn and make it a happy end ASAP X'D

But to be honest, Rama's route made me impatient as well hahah >< the process is slow and we want to hurry in order to get to the good stuff, yeah? :")) however, his psychology didn't allow it ~

This is one of the reasons why my second VN will be a lot more longer x'D