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(3 edits) (-1)

ok, I'm sorry, but now I'm getting pissed.

What is the point of gaining "Clear Mind V"?

How many times do I have to die to the fucking succubus, when it's apparent in the dialogue that Liam already knows this shit 2 times now??!?

Not to mention the entire inventory I saved up to grind the Soul box lvl, and at the very least could have sold for a higher starting cash.

I'm patient...starting over is a point. Dying and Rewinding at the Succubus in order to keep the content going, just so the Goddess of Time can say additional speeches to waste player's time between getting old quick.


Heavenly Cross and Evasion Prism don't work as described.

Having them 'Deal Magic Damage' is causing them to be only castable on enemies...meaning they're buffing the mobs instead of the party.

Had it happen twice on groups of Pygmy Wolves. Instead of evasion for me, the wolves dodged every attack I made after casting Evasion, and it actually healed their group instead of mine.

Currently both Heavenly Cross and Evasion Triangle are useless because of this.


Hi mate, sorry it took so long to reply... Itch just sort of stopped sending me notifications that there were new posts here.

In the next update I have some fixes for a few of the problems you've mentioned. The combat skills are (finally) going to be added in their entirety (as you noticed, right now all skills only target enemy characters, and all skills with multiple steps don't activate at all), and the enemy stats and so forth are going to be properly balanced (I hope... everything is of course still a work in progress... but it will get a little better). I'm also adding a little notice to any content that may result in a forced story death, so that players can choose to postpone that interaction.


You are simply not doing it right , i have the evolved version of clear mind , and the grind for the soul box is not hard , think ur action and before the rewind, no spoiler have fun