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Beep beep, I’m back because I wasn’t emphatic enough in my praise for this handy dandy buddy last time.

This is everything I’ve been searching for in a Pomodoro timer: Available on desktop, so I don’t need to rely on an internet connection to use it, no frills, no premium subscription bullshit, simple and intuitive, and the exact timing is customizable (I like longer sessions and breaks, myself.)

The best thing for my money is that this thing is OBNOXIOUS; those soothing lo-fi chillhop unobtrusive chimes you sometimes get aren’t enough to shake me from the throes of my ADHD-induced Wikipedia binge until I remember 3 hours later, “oh right I’m supposed to be working.” I need something that’s gonna yell at me with all the force of an ornery Italian grandma and this right here is just the ticket. Sure, it doesn’t cure the cycle of procrastination > panic > manic work session > post-submission meltdown, but it does help with the ever-present existential dread looming over me at all times, so there’s that!

The only possible thing I could request that would take this tool from great to perfect is the ability to set different interval “profiles,” perhaps in a snazzy little dropdown menu, to account for different needs and tasks. Something like Classic (25/5/15), Deep Work (60/15/30), Sprint (10/2/5), or Custom, etc. etc. etc. you get the idea. It’d be nice to switch between them on the fly rather than go through the cumbersome step of fiddling with times, but it’s ultimately such a tiny gripe and a niche use-case that I’m more than happy just as it is.

All in all, fantastic Pomodoro companion that does exactly what it says on the tin, but does it well, damnit! Keeping it simple and effective is definitely the right call, thank you again for the work you put into making it!



Thanks for the very detailed feedback!!!! I’m really glad you are finding this tool handy.

I need to do a security update soon for this so I might be able to work on those features which seem really useful:

  • Select beep sounds, ideally bringing your own mp3
  • Customizable profiles

Let me know if I missed anything!

Oh my god, you mean I could literally make it yell “GET BACK TO WORK”… Untold power. There are actual tears in my eyes. You’re already fulfilling my wishlist as it is; I can’t think of a single thing left to ask for in terms of features as I think its simplicity is the best thing about it. Thank you so much!!