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Hey thanks SO MUCH for creating this! This has helped me create better platformer physics for my next game! 

If possible, would you be willing to share the gbstudio project for this demo? I would really like to take a look at the assigned settings values for the different parts of the demo. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how the settings work together. 

Also is there a recommend way for setting a 'jump height minimum' for when the player just taps the jump button instead of holding? It seems that every time I tap the jump button, the player only jumps a few pixels into the air. I would really like to fine tune how far the player jumps when I tap the jump button.

Thanks again for this amazing plugin!!! 


Unfortunately, I don't have the project files for the sample level anymore.

For minimum jump height, my recommendation is starting with the default jump height of 1792 and turning down the classic gbStudio jump height to something low or even 0 and tweaking it up.

Thanks! I'll give it a try.