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A member registered Nov 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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It will effect any platformer scene type (but not other scenes). Even if a scene doesn't have a slope tile, the player still needs to do an extra check each frame for potential slope collisions. It isn't a big hit in color mode, but DMG is already pretty tight for CPU usage.

Absolutely, it's on sale now (through MIT's bookstore and elsewhere)!

Unfortunately, enemies in GBStudio don't have their own physics calculations--even one more actor with the same level of physics as the player slows down the gameboy to a crawl. The PlatformerGravity plugin is designed to do some very basic version of gravity/collision (which can sort-of be combined with the move event to create a jump). Even with just that version of physics you can see the slowdown.

The base plugin should work, but the camera and gravity plugins won't work in 3.2

It'll be a little while before I can integrate the slopes code, but this version should still work with 3.2. It will just ignore any slopes that you add to your scene.

Yes, unfortunately do to the changes to how platforming works, it isn't compatible with the grounded check anymore. You can still use other parts of the player fields though. Instead, you need to check what state the player is in using the Store Platformer+ State to Variable event, and check if that is grounded

So two notes:
1) To answer your questions, it sounds like the project didn't get fully unzipped, and that some of the plugins are missing or in the incorrect folder. Make sure you extract everything and keep the file directory the same. Rather than PM_event_platplus_state_script, it should read "Attach a Script to a Platformer+ State." You can find the OnInit for the scene by clicking anywhere in the scene that isn't an actor or a trigger.

2) Some of the techniques for the bounce are a bit advanced, I'd recommend you play around with GBStudio a bit before trying to replicate that particular bit. The Discord is a great community for learning the ropes, and also a really good place to ask questions!

Hi, thanks for pointing this out!

It looks like somehow the script got deleted, before I uploaded it. But it should be simple to add back:

In the bounce scene, there are two trigger areas on the right hand side. The top one has an On_Enter script. If you copy that, and paste it on the scene's OnInit script after the minJumpVal = 8000 event, then the bouncing should work again.

If you message me on the GbStudio discord, I can help you tweak the plugin to what you want.

I think the issue is causes by the PlatformerCamera plugin, which needs to alter some files shared across scene types. If you remove that plugin, you can still keep almost all the general Platformer+ functionality.

We talked about this in the discord, but if anyone else wants a fix for this, the GitHub version has one.

Unfortunately, the way collisions are handled in GBStudio more generally makes this impossible. There might be some way to do a workaround without actual collisions, but I'm not sure how.

There are some other great plugins that allow you to do great HUDs, like PauTomas' advanced dialogue plugin:

It seems like there are a couple of issues going on, but there isn't a way to pull out the minimum jump frames from how the rest of the plugin is setup. You can get jumping down to nothing by setting Jump Velocity = 0 and Minimum Jump Height = 0 (jump frames only divides the amount in jump velocity). It still has a frame of jump animation, but if you want to get rid of that the best bet is just to overwrite the jump button entirely.

As for updating the jump physics, they will update but currently you have to wait until the next scene to see the change (because of some interactions between a number of other variables, the game needs to do some error checks when it loads a scene for jumping). I'm planning on adding an event that lets you update the jump fields directly, but I haven't had a chance to create it yet.

thanks for the report. My guess is that Platformer+ isn't t causing the projectiles issue (projectiles are handled by another file that the plugin doesn't alter). If you want to dig into it more, I'm on the GBStudio discord regularly

I decided to remove support for 'grounded' because it added a little bit of additional slowdown to the code. Instead, the recommended way is to use the Store Platformer+ State in Variable event, and then check whether it is the ground state.

If anyone really wants to see grounded come back though, I can re-add it.

thanks for reporting this! It's an issue I recently patched, so if you grab the GitHub version it should fix the problem. The other thing to check is that when you use the change scene command, make sure to set your characters direction.

Unfortunately, I don't have the project files for the sample level anymore.

For minimum jump height, my recommendation is starting with the default jump height of 1792 and turning down the classic gbStudio jump height to something low or even 0 and tweaking it up.

I've added this feature. It's not on the page yet (finishing up some new camera stuff) but the Github version has the update.

Thanks for the request! I'm taking a little bit of a break, but once I get back into it I should be able to add that without a problem.

It depends on what you want out of a backwards dash. Right now you can use the Store Platformer+ State event to check when the player enters a dash and use that to play a different animation (ie. facing backwards).

The next version will have a new event that will let you set the current state, so that you can cause dashing to happen whenever you want through your scripts (ie. attach it to a specific button combo).

Yes, GBStudio 3.1 has an event to Set Engine Fields, and you can use that to change the number of double jumps from any script.

Nope sorry, that's beyond the scope of this plugin and is more fundamental to how GBStudio is setup to handle collisions

Yeah, if you set wall gravity to be the same as normal gravity then wall sliding has no effect.

Yup, the engine eject still works, and I've also included a new engine plugin version to make it even simpler.