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There are a few things to fix.

A topic by GoldHamdol created Jan 10, 2023 Views: 152 Replies: 3
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While testing a few things, we found something that needed improvement.

1. I set the Base Move Range to 0 in the enemy, but the enemies move 1 space at a time.

2. It would be nice if information such as MP came out from combat and skill commands.

The only way to check the MP an actor has is to look at the status in the command. This looks uncomfortable.

3. If there is another character right above the character, the HP Bar and buff icons are hidden behind. If this phenomenon is reversed, the enemy character will not be visible... It is ambiguous...

4. Large selection of enemies obscures the screen due to the UI. The choice is difficult. If it exceeds a certain number, it seems that the UI should be omitted.......

It is possible to omit it altogether with the show targets selected setting, but it looks inconvenient as there is no way to see enemy information.

5.After targeting an enemy with a skill, even if you change to another skill, the information of the previously targeted enemies comes out.

6. When playing with a mouse, after all information is shown on the battle end screen, you must left-click to end the battle.

And if you have a lot of items to acquire, you have to press as many buttons as the number of items, but this also seems to need improvement.

I don't know if I'm asking too much... :)


Not at all, thank you for the suggestions!

1) This is because I have a hard setting for move route to default to 1. I'll just change it to zero

2) You mean like an MP popup? I believe the plugin does this already? Or do you refer to an MP bar?

3) The HP bar is a child of the battler graphic, the layer of display is the same as the battler itself

4) I am actually not entirely sure how to handle this. It was requested a while back but as for an alternative, cleaner display, I have no idea right now. May just delete it altogether.

5) Are you referring to the targeted battlers or the enemies affected? Are the coordinates different? I do not entirely understand this point

6) I'll see to optimizing this. For keyboard users, pageup/pagedown should automatically load everything but I believe cancel should do this instead

2) It would be nice to display something like this.

I think it's important to let the player intuitively show the actor's state.


This is the UI part of the targeted battlers mentioned in question 4.

For example, show enemy information with skill A,

If you select skill B after canceling, the target information of skill A will still be displayed. If you change the skill range, it changes to the B skill information. It seems like a minor bug.

If you can't solve question 4, you have to hide the UI, so it doesn't seem like you need to fix it quickly.


I've deleted the selection UI.

No point.

As for (2) I understand what you're saying now, thanks