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I think the animations need some work, the pickaxe animation, for example, doesn't sync up with the bar dropping nor with the sound effect playing. And the walking animation feels like it needs to be synced up with the actual walking speed a little more. But minor animation issues aside, I think this game was really well done. The backgrounds are beautiful, the music sets the perfect tone. From a gameplay standpoint I really like the idea of seeing how far into the mine you can go and still get back, but I think it takes a little too long to actually get back, and you're left simply holding down the button for a very long time. I'm not sure what sort of fix could work here, but thought I'd voice the thought anyhow. All said, it's a great game and very well suited to this jam!


I agree with the animations, I didn't manage to polish them enough.

thanks a lot ! 

At first, I wanted to add a "health" for the miner : the deeper he goes, the deeper he loose health and create a mechanic that allow the player to counter that. So the goal will be : don't go to far or you may die VS you need to go far to make money