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There are a few problems that I have right off the bat when I started the game, and I think these are things that could be easily solved so I'm in no particular concern (these are with Oculus Touch controls in mind):

  • When playing in VR, you cannot interact with the options menu at all.
  • There are wholly no options to mess around with. There's no Snap or Smooth turning. There is no Head or Hand prioritized movement. This is an issue because if I move up, the movement is locked on that axis until I stop moving.
  • The player character moves too slow, and sprinting requires holding down the Analog Stick. There is no option to change to a Toggle feature.

Aside from those, the Shinobu AI is probably some of the best I've seen in any VR game, hands down. I love the way she interacts with you and how she will dislike something if you do it too much (Ex. Headpatting her, she'll enjoy but after a while she'll jerk back.)

The music choice is nice and peaceful, very summery, especially considering the setting of the game which leads me to my next point:

The map is beautiful to look at, even though it's small. It's a nice experience that isn't too claustrophobic, and really roomy. Really sets the Mexican vibe with the cacti though, that's a nice little touch there.

All in all, I really enjoy the game, and I absolutely look forward to your updates! There's a lot of potential with the AI here, and I love the experiences of playing around with a virtual buddy.


Thanks for the feedback! The problem is that it was designed only for Vive as it's the only headset that I have. However there is support for Oculus it's just that the control scheme is a bit clunky from lack of being able to test it at the same time. You can rotate camera and navigate the menu by PRESSING the thumbstick while holding it in the direction you wish to go (left and right with either right/left control for rotation) (up or down for menu navigation). What do you mean head or hand prioritize movement? As in when you hold forward your head cannot change the direction of it? That was an intended behavior but I can probably add a setting to change it later. I agree with the thumbstick to run. Will add a setting later. Thanks again I'm going to add a read me to the project download to address these unknowns for now until I patch it.