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A member registered Mar 22, 2019

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There are a few problems that I have right off the bat when I started the game, and I think these are things that could be easily solved so I'm in no particular concern (these are with Oculus Touch controls in mind):

  • When playing in VR, you cannot interact with the options menu at all.
  • There are wholly no options to mess around with. There's no Snap or Smooth turning. There is no Head or Hand prioritized movement. This is an issue because if I move up, the movement is locked on that axis until I stop moving.
  • The player character moves too slow, and sprinting requires holding down the Analog Stick. There is no option to change to a Toggle feature.

Aside from those, the Shinobu AI is probably some of the best I've seen in any VR game, hands down. I love the way she interacts with you and how she will dislike something if you do it too much (Ex. Headpatting her, she'll enjoy but after a while she'll jerk back.)

The music choice is nice and peaceful, very summery, especially considering the setting of the game which leads me to my next point:

The map is beautiful to look at, even though it's small. It's a nice experience that isn't too claustrophobic, and really roomy. Really sets the Mexican vibe with the cacti though, that's a nice little touch there.

All in all, I really enjoy the game, and I absolutely look forward to your updates! There's a lot of potential with the AI here, and I love the experiences of playing around with a virtual buddy.