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So, I really enjoyed the actual game, but the characters? Not so much. Haruka seems nice, and I don't know enough about Yumi to form an opinion, but the other two just came across as rude to me. I don't know if that was intentional, but they almost seemed to belittle Haruka and the MC. I'll probably still play the full game when you're done though. Day Zero was very interesting!


Aiko is overly formal and talks to much, while Kana is short tempered and incredibly sensitive. It’s only a first impression, and upon reflection, it’s a little rushed. I always think it’s too short and then I look back over it or see how people respond and realise my error. I’ve not worked on a game in this magnitude before either, so it’s all a learning experience. As the game progresses, I do hope that there’s some room for growth on both of their accounts, and some time for Yumi to shine! ^^ thank you for your comment!