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Just tried the demo, then purchased the full app. Very nice, great detail. One suggestion so far is it would be nice to paint the entire plane with a solid color base coat without having to spray it all. Maybe you can and I just didn't figure it out. Another is that it would sometimes be useful during construction to zoom in/out. Also when rotating during construction to rotate about the center of projection, rather than just (what I assume to be) the origin. Anyhow, looking forwards to a Sopwith Triplane and more!

Hi Scribibble1!

First off, thank you so much for the support.

Second -- thank you very much for taking the time to offer your thoughts on how to improve this.  I hadn't thought of a "one shot" spray-it-all, but it's certainly doable -- I will consider it.

Zoom/ In and out is possible using plus and minus keys works in construction steps. (Or am I missing something?)

Regarding rotation -- you are correct -- the model is on a virtual turntableand it's that that rotates -- but now the you point that out... I wonder why I built it that way?  Lol.  I will definitely revisit this -- having the model camera rotate around the center of projection would be much more intuitive and less clumsy.

Sopwith Triplane would make an interesting subject! 

Thanks again,
