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1. you can craft basic weapons on your character and more advanced weapons on the crafting bench in the house, or you can make a crafting bench yourself. Item progression is completely crafting based.

2.  Not sure why you cant seem to interact with anything, when the cursor is over an object you should be able to use E to interact. Never seen that not working before. What resolution are you playing on, could be some issue with interface scaling maybe?

3. Not sure i understand?

4. Are you sure its not Isabell? Not seen this happen before. Was it after you died?

5. You can remap the default screenshot key under input settings.

6. Not for no, plan for adding more stuff for it later.

7. see 2.

8. I see, might add a toggle in the future. Recently added the feature with look in to camera.

Thank you for the detailed feedback! :)

(2 edits)

I figured one and another out in the meantime.

Some things that I didn't notice before:

1+2+7. At the center of the screen there is a little tetragonal dot. When I put it on sme item, like the reource table or a freshly killed beast, then a yellow text appears at the bottom left of the screen, telling me that I can interact.

For your information, I'm playing on a 1920x1080 monitor, with a nvidia 2070 RTX card. I have the issue both in Fullscreen and in Fullscreen Windowed modes. I didn't find any option in the settings to rescale the resolution.

3. For instance, I walk up to the table just mentioned, and stand facing it, seeing the MC from behind. Then I turn the camera, and I press 'W' to start walking away (I should say "running"). Then she doesn't turn around to walk away from the camera, but stays put. I need to use 'A', 'S' or 'D' first.

When I am facing the table, and I push 'S', then she walks away from the table backward (as it ought to be ofc). So I suspect that the issue is in the design of the response to those keys.

4. There are two women. One is indeed Isabell, dressed in white. But next to the waystone there is a naked woman named "Survivor", with a 100/100 health bar and a skull symbol. And yeah, considering that I die so often, I think that I died recently before that. But at the moment, she is still there.

5. I did find that the PrintScreen key can be remapped. But can I detach that key altogether, instead of mapping it onto another one?

I'm asking because I'd like to have the screenshots move to my regular screenshot folder instead of the one dictated by the game.

Does interacting work when the crosshair is over the object? Because the design is like you described it, you need to point at the thing you want to interact with, at which point the text will update.

Ah so she doesn't move towards the camera direction when standing still? Its probably got to do with how i made the camera be free when not moving. Basically it checks if movement speed is above 0, if it is it starts moving in the camera direction, otherwise in keyboard direction. Will see if i can change that somehow.

Sounds like the survivor is a bugged out version of you that didnt get removed when you died. Maybe it was saved and loaded before the corpse disappeared. Will look in to it :)

I think you can use the normal Print Screen button for normal printscreen behaviour, it just wont save it do disk but to clipboard instead. Or if you use GeforceNow you can use that for screenshots.

 Great feedback, thank you! :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmmm... Scuse me in advance if you start finding me a nag. It's pretty much the only hobby that I can afford nowadays hehe.

1. When we kill a bear, its remains are extremely bouncy,

2. Every now and then, when we kill something, any of the following happens:
- it disintegrates before we have a chance to loot it,
- it stays standing there un-animated, but doesn't drop dead (even though it registers as such, and we can loot it),
- it, again, registers as dead and we can loot it, but it stays animated as being alive (this happened a single time with a boar).

3. I created a werebear and put it next to Isabell. It didn't respond to the "follow me" command, and after I had sex with it (with the animal having the initiative) and then stayed next to it, it attacked Isabell, hitting me in the process.

4. I attacked a weresomething in the gamefield who was over-leveled for me (not the one that I summoned). It initiated a  sex scene. Two peculiar things happened next on separate occasions:
- When I set the camera to free mode, it was extremely far away, and i had to make quite a journey to get back to the scene,
- the screen kept showing the "LMB = attack, RMB=block" message, but when I tried those randomly, the game bugged out, and eventually I had to reload the game.

5. A cosmetic suggestion yet: It would be nice, especially during the sex scenes, if the camera could go lower, like seeing the protagonist from the bottom, as we are looking up. This would have a tricky consequence that you may not want to overlook: when we move from the front to the back or vise versa, the camera needs to rotate 180 degrees at some point to prevent seeing her and the game field upside down.

6. When I teleport to another waystone (I have it when I move to the one at the village), then the camera is on the floor, so I see only grass. At that point, I can turn the camera, but I can't stand up or walk around.

Oh, and don't bother the extra Me; I appreciate the company xD

By the way, since I post this all on a public channel, I have a comment for aspiring players: If this game looks interesting to you, do give it a try. All those comments that I posted were from a single game session, so obviously I do enjoy the game all-heartedly. And despite the details that I report here, the game is playable very well, and it performs great, also on Linux!