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Hi, first of all, I love this project, and thanks for sharing, for free even!

But I do have some criticism:

  • Please add bookmarks to the PDF. It’s trivially easy to do, and makes the PDF much more usable.
  • The table of contents is a bit messy. Some chapters aren’t listed (Complications, Armory), some are grouped under a new name (Travel Procedures, Factions, NPCs & Bestiary).
  • Please update the version number whenever you update the file. It’s what, the third revision now?, all of them marked as “Version 1.0 | December 2022”.

Appreciate the support. I'll add these to my to-do list. Please bear in mind this is a one person show, and free, and I have a very busy life outside of my TTRPG hobbies so these kinds of QOL updates will be great to add to my list of future goals.


Of course, and I do appreciate the time you’ve clearly put into this project. Please keep in mind, however, that adding bookmarks really just takes minutes. I do it myself on the PDFs I have that lack them (that’s how I noticed the discrepancies in the table of contents, by the way).

Have a nice day!