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I am so so excited about the explodey robot game!! It's nice to be picking up a project that is more reasonably-scoped than "invent an entirely new tool for visualizing nervous systems that is fun to play and requires no background in science". Your kind words over the many years mean a lot to me. <3


Good point! Hopefully that recharges your soul and gives you even more lift! I am certainly looking forward to having the time to check it out and follow along. I think you have a brilliant mind for solving tough problems! And a tenacity and dedication I applaud! You'll get this next chapter handled too! But your right... one should do more of that soul filling joy recharging too. :D (again... I wish I would take my own advice! lol)

I'll do my best to be around to give some feedback. I enjoyed the explodey robot demo. I been looking forward to a revisit... I was NOT satisfied with my last two scenario two performances. But Dwarf Fortress just dropped and I am rearranging my life to get 20-60 minutes a day to play this game :D It will be a dwarfy fortress implody distraction while I wait to see what you got cooking! (at least my forts implode)