So, further delving - if one holds very very still when they click on Discard, your hand will not eventually disappear to one card. I think I managed to zero it once. Tested with a mouse and a touchpad. That might be okay, there's some on-focus junk that's crossed up. In the meantime if you have shaky hands you're SOL.
The loss condition I tested to see if it could be gamed by simply finishing the 1st quest before the other quests. This is not the case. Fully a year and half finished, quests fulfilled 3-1-2, and the game continues until you hit the loser screen. It seems like anything which is automatic will give you the win, and anything that requires clicking to fill the quest will not trigger a game win. Lose.
tl;dr This should be a game about managing interconnected hex's on limited land, and instead is a Really Too Realistic Scenario where you do everything right and still lose humiliatingly. As I said, I'm sure you meant well, but this is going to hit very close to home for the people who identify with your cast.