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A bleak but incredibly morally ambiguous game that makes you think about the seemingly innocent child-hood game of Battleships. Mike Klubnika once again brings a startling and industrial mood to Concrete Tremor and immerses the player in a no-win and despondent world. Bravo!


Incredible setting - conjures the player into a grey moralistic world

Soundtrack and Mortis style narration gives the sense that the player is in another world, but strangely familiar and bleak

Although linear in gameplay, the illusion of deciding the outcome rings heavy


Would have liked the 'battleship' board to have both letters and numbers across it

At first wasn't sure whether the 'pegs' were buildings or already flattened buildings from another game.

Overall, another fine gem from Klubnika! Looking forward to the next one! 

Thanks for playing! Really appreciate the feedback.