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I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)

A lot of the optional content is kinda hidden away on purpose; partially to reward exploration, partially for the nice surprise when you stumble on something new, partially because I'm old-school and hate hand-holding in games (Yes, Atreus, I KNOW I have to pull the lever!) and partially to encourage players to get together and pool their knowledge.

There is a player-run wiki (click on the Fandom icon on the game's main screen! Or just click here: ) but it's not really updated :P

I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future of CK!

Honestly, I get that. I love messing around and testing stuff. But with how the story is going, I keep expecting you to throw really big twists based on choices later. Like what significance is there in the dungeon and making Jess and/or Gwen more submissive, or my personal thoughts on the story making me turn down any form of sexual favor even remotely connected to the church. That one makes me hope you will allow for a later "redo" or repeat option, but so far it seems like a lot of the scenes I hope get repeats are just one and done. Though I do have to say, there is a ridiculous amount of content to make up for not being able to repeat some stuff.

But back to the wiki thing: honestly the only bits I've used the wiki for is to make sure I got all the explore zones, and wanting to make sure I didn't miss anything. I get not wanting to have a guide or to hand hold, but I'm a pseudo completionist lol. I wanna make sure I did *everything* before I move on... which I why when I saw the result of going to the church, I reverted the save and been busy doing all the little things like playing with the kids, exploring the councils areas after finishing their base routes (which, holy hell dude, has even more stuff that I hope gets expanded). But there's not exactly like... a full check list if you know what I mean, with the incomplete wiki ^^;