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(1 edit)


If anybody wants to join in on the speedrunning fun, the SRC page is officially live here:

Awesome, thank you for setting this up!

Happy to get it going (and I was eager to get it going, too!). Thanks for making such a fun game for all of us. More levels when? haha

Also, please fix the mouse chiral motion recognition, it's very buggy. it's impossible to reverse direction of rotation quickly and preciesly (e.g. try to wiggle a limb). You can compare your algorithm to chiral scrolling on laptops with Synaptics touchpads.

I did some investigation regarding my eariler comment you deleted (the performance problem). It seems you are running 3 threads that are using 100% of a core each. However, each of those 3 threads spends around 82% of its execution time in the Windows API "SwitchToThread" function (called from UnityPlayer.dll). I don't know if it is because the function has some spinlock or other inside (which makes it use a lot of CPU while doing nothing, but judging by Microsoft documentation, it should be a simple function), or it's just called a lot of times per second, so the total execution time sums up to 82%. In any case, I assume this is not what you wanted to happen. I'm testing on Windows 7 x64.

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Hey buddy. I appreciate the effort but you should report this to the Unity development team, not me. I can't do anything about this.