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I downloaded this a while ago, but I only just found the time to try it out, and I'm glad I did! This is a really fun VN; I had a good time trying to get all the endings! (In fact, I'm still missing ending 6 haha)

The sheer number of CGs present in a free VN is very impressive, and they're all high quality, too!

For a yandere, Lena sure is cute! I like her design a lot, even if I can't say the same thing about her personality, haha ;;

Still, Jin is the best character! Why doesn't he have his own ending?! ;a;


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I tried hard to make it fun no matter  it being bad ends or good ends xD. 

The amount of CGs actually bloated because  scope  change; though they didn't  take nearly 1/10 the time  it took writing  the script, I'm slow ;_;

Lena wasn't  meant to be likeable. I tried explain her motivation a bit in her good ending, but if MC went through any bad endings before getting to her good end, I doubt he would find staying with her a good idea xD.

In the original  plan, Jin wasn't  supposed  to be that devoted, but I guess my BL brain just can't  help but write him like that. You could consider Ending 5 a Jin ending . I wanted it to end with Jin comforting MC that he did the right thing, but realized the state he was in at the end doesn't quite allow that haha.