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(1 edit)

Glad that you recovered gradually! But now it's my turn to be under the weather lol

I appreciate the regular update, Dev! Do we still have a long way to go? I refrain from playing it in the current state, because I want to be surprised in the final version. Please know that I didn't mean to rush you.

Have a nice day!


I hope you feel better soon, PangHerHeart! 
The script is around 70%-80% done--I'm really slow at writing but I assure you,drawing CGs and programming  won't take this much time to complete! Scriptwriting and proofreading are my weakness since I took a lot of time editing and polishing it, thus the slow progress ^^; 

Overall, yes, we still have quite a long way to go, but you can say we're halfway there! I hope you still have the patience to walk along with me QuQ)/

