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Nice difficulty curve.

Very good job on the snow particle effects, sets the mood and explains away the lack of world details.

Love that you got the box2D lighting stuff to work, or whatever that lighting is, it's beautiful. 

Controls are a bit hard.

Would love a better intro : )

This is a game well done! I like it : D

Thanks soo much for the positive feedback! 

The planned scope for the game was that you were going to be able to have anti-missile defenses, like flares, perhaps Rudolph should be able to shoot lasers, perhaps roads between cities and, hey, why not some actual graphics for the background? And then, on top of that, the game was supposed to take on a grand scale where santa ensures world peace by delivering presents to mr P**in himself, but... 

...I think re-scoping my jam games is what I need more than anything. Last jam I entered I got stuck on the functioning of the enemy in the game for seven days without progress, at all. This time I was very much set on "get a game done, then you can tweak whatever" and I think I managed to get that done.

I would also love a better intro - but that would require some more visual talent. I will actually try to get something like that to happen next, I want my games to look better in general and not look like I write them from absolute scratch every time...