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Comments below Clip:

What a delightful game to play. You can't really go wrong with a game about dinosaurs, but still, the story need a beginning, a middle and an end. You delivered on all 3 points and even threw in some scary moments. Perfect mix. Perfect play.

Not hiccups or snags encountered. Kudos to all involved and a very happy and healthy 2023!

Thank you so much for trying out the game and sharing your gameplay! I have made many other games, a lot of them horror. They also cover a wide variety of topics from fishing in hell to mountain climbing, so check out one of those if they interest you!


@ David Mills - Game Developer!,

I saw your other games and am definitely going to play them. I'm also following you, in case you come up with something new. Happy and healthy 2023 [you so rightfully deserve it]!