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A topic by KaiBuckman created Nov 13, 2016 Views: 342 Replies: 3
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Everyones rambling on about personalised names but I like it as it is, like its interesting to hear each name. Maybe if multiplayer is released peesonalised name would be good but ither than thatvi want it to stay the same

i dont think that will be a good idea in multiplayer...

*Poop McPoopyFace Joined the game.*

*Arse Crack Joined the game.*

*Your Mom Joined the game.*

*XxXxPro MLGFazexXx Joined the game.*

*OfficialDob RogXD Joined the game.*

In practice you have a one in a million chance to get your full name in single player if I add both first and last name.

Yea actually its random names would be good in multiplayer too, nice change from what you were saying