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part 2 so my comment doesnt get too long

yanno i honestly wasn't sure what we were gonna get with orlam, i was expecting more backstory of course, more elaboration on the genzou&orlam train, but i didnt think orlam's route would unlock iggy's hedonistic side. and as fucked up as it is, i kinda liked it LOL. just iggy and orlam hanging out and being brofriends. i was pretty pleased that for as sleazy as orlam was acting, he wasn't keen on getting into iggy's pants but he also wasn't the same as genzou who was satisfied with just being with iggy. glad their system of cuddle buddies and orgies on the side works for them

speaking of orgies, god i was not expecting that cg of iggy gaming while orlam was getting boinked in the background like SIR in front of my unethically sourced ham??? anyway

it's different to the relationship between genzou and iggy. iggy said that his feelings for genzou made him feel warm and safe, an anchor to the storm. i guess with orlam being an even bigger mess, iggy gets to be the caretaker for once. which is actually almost?  cute? okay the day after the suicide attempt was majorly fucked up but god, at least iggy was there. the idea of orlam waking up, surviving, to his small, dirty apartment just. yeah. so them just falling into hedonism in a world where nothing can touch them, they're powerful, comfortable, and they can play and rest to their hearts contents? yeah no wonder it's so tempting. it's easy to see why iggy lost himself so deeply

i will say tho, that lil memory of iggy and orlam as kids hanging out on iggy's bed breaks my heart a bit because. orlam asked about genzou and whether he talked about him and god, that just wrecks me. all the way back then?  buddy...

i am taking both genzou and orlam by the shoulders, WHAT HAPPENED AT AFTER PROM...these lil crumbs of info are so good but i need MORE

and finally after all of that, just for orlam to perish at bucks hands. and iggy runs away. christ. all that righteous anger at the beginning, fizzling out because it wasn't enough. it wasn't the right option. iggy's denial of his actions is a bitter pill. dude, i've said all i had to say here, that was all you. it's you.

im sorry orlam, i wouldn't have minded doing imperialism a little longer but we're onto gidgets route now. fuck. onto Arc 4

GOSH IT'S TRUE, THIS ARC REALLY GOES IN SOME,,,,, DIRECTIONS lol I think it's the most different of all the arcs in that regard -- it kinda just veers off in its own trajectory for a lot of different reasons LOL I think because a lot of the whole idea is Iggy trying to fit the mold of someone who would make each person happy (and ultimately failing,,,), and when it comes to Orlam that requires the biggest change out of all of them, so he just really goes off the rails,,, lol

LOL I'M GLAD YOU STILL ENJOYED IT THO??? And yes hahaha. This is the first route where things really start to change re: early Wonderland happenings -- a combination of Iggy himself along with me not wanting to subject people to the same things again and again. Arc 4 goes even further in this regard, making it the most different out of all of them when it comes to structure I think. I feel like Arc 3 is the first arc where the story really started to evolve past what I had initially planned for it and just grew and changed as I was writing.

"i really tried to be the better person but iggy wasn't having it anymore" --> HAHAHAHA. There's only so much you can do, it's true 🤣💦 And that's a great point about Gidget. With Iggy being the one acting out of sorts for himself, it creates an opportunity for Gidget to revert back to her non-Wonderland-affected self, at least for a while,,,


"for as much as this was orlams route, this really seemed more like iggy's corruption arc" --> THIS IS INDEED TRUE. 

"i was pretty pleased that for as sleazy as orlam was acting, he wasn't keen on getting into iggy's pants but he also wasn't the same as genzou who was satisfied with just being with iggy." --> I'm actually really happy that you even mentioned this. I feel like a bit of what I've also been wanting to do with this (besides everything else or something,,, who knows,,,) is show different types of relationships?? And how they all can work in different ways?? Idk. Obviously in the RL Orlam and Iggy could not live this hedonistic lifestyle (and kill and eat people LAKDSJFLKAS); however, I wanted to within that still start to get at the crux of their relationship and how they can both be there for each other and support and need each other in a way that's different from for instance Genzou and Iggy or Gidget and Iggy, etc. I think I mentioned it somewhere else before but I kinda see Orlam and Iggy as a queerplatonic thing??? But ofc anyone who plays is free to interpret anything as they see fit (as they can with any of the aspects of the game and characters ldkajfsd)

"speaking of orgies, god i was not expecting that cg of iggy gaming while orlam was getting boinked in the background like SIR in front of my unethically sourced ham??? anyway" --> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ok I really just laughed out loud at that dlkfajds 😭💦

"orlam asked about genzou and whether he talked about him and god, that just wrecks me. all the way back then?  buddy..." --> I-indeed,,, 🥺

"because it wasn't enough. it wasn't the right option" --> GUHHHH THIS IS SOMEHOW SO WELL-PUT AND ON THE NOSE LAKDJFALKSDJFALK

At any rate I AM GLAD YOU'RE STILL LIKING IT. And thank you so much for all your thoughts again, dang, I was smiling from ear to ear while reading these lakdjfalksd I really love hearing such detailed thoughts and feels and interpretations of things so much, this is such a delight LOL So thank you thank you thank you!!!! 😭💕 And I hope you'll enjoy Arc 4! It is,,, perhaps the most intense arc yet,,, for a lot of different reasons,,,