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(1 edit) (+6)

Well, maybe Mr. Baker will become even more popular as we willingly dive into the pit of heresy and depravation that I'm assuming his route will become the way you describe it.... Because we are kinky af. But that is just a possible timeline.

Also, pretty sure vultures are born with nice feathers on their faces and become bald as they dive their head constantly in rotten carcasses... 

It's really unpredictable what can happen as the story progresses, but I'm really excited to see it nonetheless.

Who knows what will happen. Although I don't doubt that a lot of you guys are horny 😂

Also I didn't know that. But their look is so distinctive, I had to give Vlad a bald head (sorta). It could be a culture thing where they intentional take the feathers off their head. We'll see.

Glad to see you're looking forward to whatever's happening next.