Hello everyone! Welcome to my 5th devlog :D
Since my last devlog I've made a small, yet very effective improvement to my game's tileset.
I think it just looks waaaay better now.
I also found a simple solution to combat "aggressive players" who'd drop enemies onto spikes :)
Also, there will be achievements for Link It Up! and they will be available on every web portal I publish the game on.
As you can see on the image bellow there will be 3 achievements. Completionist (for completing the game), Collector (for getting all collectibles) and You Got It (for getting half way through the game).
Most importantly, I managed to make all 30 levels for the game. I think that these levels are pretty nice.
They showcase different mechanics and use every one of them in a few interesting ways.
Levels are mostly focused on puzzles but if you have some platforming skills you'll be able to get more collectibles.
The next thing I need to do is to test these levels.
If you're interested in playtesting Link It Up! just DM/PM me here or on Twitter and I'll make sure to let you know when you can do so. Thanks!
Make sure to follow me here on Itch or to subscribe to this topic to get notified when I release Link It Up!