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my character is a rice farmer turned mercenary turned ancient general i guess

born in N1? or from beyond?

i guess from beyond but he extensively uses repeating crossbows because he's around the time of the warring states


his parents didnt die like some stupid generic backstory for a main character

heheheh I gotchu. They still around smackin the back of his head saying he wont amount to anything even after becoming a General heheh.


yeah in ancient china they have civil official and war officials. some support me, some oppose me.


ye he has 500,000 regular soldiers but 500 elite "operatives". they report what's going on in other places. The places are all reachable via the silk road. no place in africa except egypt, and no operatives in siberia. Operative go as far east as japan.

OK I got a taste of the importance of bowboi. sounds like a how did they find their way to the N1Verse

i really don't know lol, in my story n1 verse and the earth are the same thing so :/

That could be a thing but oh noooo

you should be thankful china didn't transport gunpowder to so many places so quickly lol