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great job! all the gameplay elements make sense. this is good work. I felt like it was a little too easy to run and gun cqb style -- you are probably going for more roof leaping moments -- a potential fix would seem to be making the ground units react more quickly and in more force.

I really like the slow reload, and forgetting to load the rifle when running away is a great moment, but it can get a little finicky sometimes when you don't time the animation just right.

also, it wasn't immediately clear that the cloud effect was more than a visual, so the first couple plays I totally missed out on this element.

these are all minor points though. great work! you should get this in playtest if you haven't already.

a couple random ideas for balance I had while playing:

  • flying is unlimited, but you can only glide (lose height) and have to climb in some other way. I fell into the water multiple times and almost died because I ran out of stamina
  • instead of running through the cloud, maybe you have to grab a body and fly away with it to trigger a 'feast' action, kind of like hiding bodies in trad stealth games but with a twist

These are some great suggestions! I tweaked the difficulty by reducing the damage taken and the amount of health you recover to make it a little easier for the jam, as I did not have a lot of time for play testing.

I was also thinking of some wall climbing mechanic to allow the player to traverse between street level and roof level, I'd love to test it out in the future. Then, replacing the fly with a glide is a good idea!

Grabbing a body would be awesome, maybe as an alternative attack which makes the player vulnerable but is great for stealth kills and regaining health on lone enemies.

Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it!