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MANG, I just held a team for 20 minutes at halls and one player , ahem 1 v 1 would get steamrolled although gives good chase, came in and my team gave up leaving me alone to get ganged on by 'semi'pros who were losing horribly. sigh, I gotta rest. Be back later. This was the midgame report before it changed with Guest 693 who I've played against before. I ended like 86 - 28 or something like that.

bruh next time ill be on a squad and be on the opossite team of u, when they almost grab the flag ill get it and run around and do nothing >:)


i've done this before.

It's okay, just heated at teams that can hold the line, but then give up. I need no consolation or gimmes. Thank you though bowboi. I hope you haven't done this with me... :/

lol im heated at teams like that too, the lineup is like:

lvl95       lvl 15

lvl3          lvl26

lvl2          lvl31

lvl6          lvl 23

lvl12       lvl 16

ohh a leveling system would be cool

ye we really need that so i wouldn't have to see another idiot

ye lol

dang, I hit a sore spot....
