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Thanks for the feedback I did hope to get a little further and had to hustle to put certain challenges (scare crows) in place to as you said create some small semblance of game play.

It was my first time trying rigged 2D so a lot of my time was spent experimenting with that. I did want it to be the elves were your friends and so you wouldn’t snow ball them - until you steal Santa sack and they go evil. So that may kind of explain there non reaction to balls (if I made it a little further I would have had buttons instead of scarecrow you could only trigger by throwing as a feature for progression).

Again thanks for the feedback and taking the time to play. I really like the jam and I know this was low brow horror next time I will bring the gore 😈

merry Xmas to all the Horror Game Jam family!


No problem, merry Christmas to you too  and I hope you join the next Themed Horror Game Jam too!