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Been meaning to ask, the past couple of times I've downloaded this, there's a new folder. Is that needed as well,  is it for mobile only, or what? Just curious why the new folder...

Pretty sure I said it before, but I'll say it again: I REALLY like that all of the travelling group are complex and three dimensional. Ashley and Sarah aren't just "good at sex", there's a lot to uncover with them. Sam and Celica aren't just "the MC's friends growing up" they have complex and engaging stories as well, not to mention their rivalry. Metatron goes from "unfeeling weapon" to "team Mom"... you invested a lot of time and love in creating these characters and it shows!

Waiting to see what Rosalyn looks and acts like!

I've been using a hybrid build that should work for PC, linux, and mac. I've gotten a few error reports so I'll probably go back to separate pc/linux and mac builds. Shouldn't be any effective change on your end, just more to upload for me lol.

And hey, thanks for saying so on the characters! I definitely have work to do on all of them, but that was my goal. The hope is that they feel like actual people to fall in love with, rather than just a couple of walking H-scenes, or god forbid walking fetishes like "the breast girl" and "the slutty girl."

Hopefully, release tomorrow... we'll see.