Thanks for this, good feedback!
* Yeah, transformations, we do want those to be game changers. We'll work on making them more flavorful.
* family and bosses definitely.
* removing members - interesting, I like the idea of early retirement that gives you campaign-level bonuses, like, "go found a new town" or "set up a dojo" or something like that.
* more control over children - that makes sense, but feels less urgent than some of the other priorities... Something we'd want to get around to eventually though
* mystics - yeah... some mystic abilities (ignite, arches) try to solve this, but I hear what you're saying... I wonder if Calcify could give +physical damage instead of +warding, which is sortof garbage on mystics anyway..... weird thought.... then your mystic could shift to being a melee beast in the right circumstances...
* field of fire bug - we are tracking that one, should have a fix in next patch. Bugfixes will always be high priority.
Glad you're enjoying the game!
I'm definitely looking forward to that, the transformation idea is really cool. Rest sounds good as well. I like the idea for both early retirement and the mystic (as long as it's still balanced, obviously). The children really aren't much of a priority, just something I noticed.
Just keep up the good work. :)