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Armour basically gives the percentage of the chance that the enemy will ignore damage, in which case it also shoots yellow and orange sparks. Armour penetration lowers enemy's armour the moment the bullet hits it. So if the enemy has armour=50 and your gun has APE=30, it's like the enemy has armour=50-30=20. Armour reduction reduces enemy's armour for a certain amount of time, it can even reduce it below 0, in which case the enemy will take extra damage.

I'm gonna add a tutorial in the beginning of the game that explains this stuff.

OK, thanks. Is there a maximum armor an enemy can have? Can negative APE bring enemy armor >= 100%, making them invincible? Is there any advantage to getting enemy armor <0?

I've said it before, but awesome game. It's addicting to get to what I consider the "win state" where your gains outpace any ramp up in difficulty, and then it's just a matter of playing until your browser crashes :)

No, cause if you have negative APE, the chance to hit is calculated a bit differently, it'll never drop to 0, but it will be very low, so killing those enemies will be a pain n the ass. Yes, as I've already said, enemy with negative armour take extra damage.