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My best K/D score.

Couldnt beat my highest kill rec of 166 (FLEEEXXXX!!)

Tell me your best K/D  :D

Be quiet unless u have that light skin stare


he does i can confirm

lol have you seen the photoshopped texture of his skin it looks like an supermovable anime figure

nah ive been to his house

bruh u in the uk or the us?

bro im every where

hes capping, he cant afford a plane ticket to my mansion


I don't use plane tickets cuz i have the keys

your rusty old plane cant fly to the UK bro

nah i think aussua is a bad piggy

dont underestimate my rusty plane

ye lol only his vpn ip everywhere


gimme yo lobby's and ill go 200-0

I know you will, so no.


fair enough

my best K/D is... Uh.. I forgot...

All i know is that it was mediocre at best.

(1 edit)

when forgor

my best is 52/1 or 37/0

pretty good considering how u play lol


was supposed to be a compliment


pretty good considering i use a 7 dollar mouse and a  100$ chromebook, yes lol

(1 edit)

Very cool! My highest kill is 154 and best K/D should be 112 to i think 8 deaths, but ill need to check it, but sadly im not sure if i still have the screenshot, but ill see, er ya, it was spawnkilling with bow #1 btw. Or was it 66/2? idk but yours is pretty strong 

ooh thts so cool, with bow 1? I cant do that with bow 1 :)

thank you! ye sometimes im using bow 1, a while it was my main bow :)