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Just imagine the situation.

Soon in the future Bareshade citizens meet themselves at Harold's Bar to discuss how to deal with a specific situation.

In this topic, Logan and Bernard have different point of views and it's your responsability to choose who are you gonna side with.

Whichever you choose, the other will not accept your decision and it's going to go foward without you.

Later in game, the plan of the person you didn't choosed failed and they die right on MC arms, apologizin for all they did.

Just a friend to enemies situation I thought.




Let's be honest.



I uh.. do not have the ability to confirm or deny this statement.


Logan 100%...


I agree. Bernie is such a cute husbando but we do love a man who is not into us

The epitome of evil in disguise, aren't cha?


We need drama, I get the drama