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Gotta admit, I was surprised when I was able to talk to Camille and agree to have her leave the natives alone with a 38% chance of succeeding. But then, that's the way my luck works; it's unlikely, it seems to happen. Have a really good chance of it succeeding (say, 90%), it doesn't seem to work! 

I am GUESSING you can do something to help the poor guy in the slums who is breathing hard, given it had a pop up on what I could do. (zilch at the time). 

Now, to do the parasite route and see what happens when I take Linda's glasses off and on repeatedly. Given Indivi's humor, I'm thinking I am very much gonna enjoy seeing Linda complain about it!


Soup, Give him...



Haha, well done XD. There's always a chance!

Pfft, poor Linda haha. Sounds like I'm getting predictable


Keep in mind I've been following your work  since Lust Doll, the original, was being worked on and would be worked on for awhile. I just have a feel for your humor!


Ah, learned my patterns, have you XD. Glad to hear you've been with me this long!

She begins to Recognize, all-in-all she goes through the Stages of Grief.