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N 1 Down...

side note: I quite enjoy playing with fullburst. and N1|GodzillaGamer respect, but you didn't have to rage quit on the second game...

walks to their front porch, they open the door, your shoot them with a bow and arrow and say, "you didn't finish the match".

bro i literally saw u with a 16 - 6 KD on a NPC game i had 8 -1

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yup... you prolly did. I rush my food. I don't play with it. It bites back sometimes.

You shoulda seen me yesterday, I was super trash. And my dude/ette, I never said I was the best.

Lastly, I got double your kills. :)

bro i joined late  u already had 13 - 4 KD

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B2DK, I'm gonna put you on the side of toxic waste. But it's ok. 

You just got on the list. I guess I refuse to bow to da fool king... although I am a Jesters.  

See ya on the battlefield....