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Ha it's no problem at all, I'm just glad to see you're enjoying it.  I have some similar plans to your totem idea with the blacksmith shop next to the cave, but no planned date for it.  The area around the ruins are definitely going to get some love, not in the form of puzzles, but it should be very fun for people.

Crops are also going to get a huge overhaul.  I'd like to redo them in this update, but if I don't have time it will definitely make it into the early access release.

(1 edit)

Yes! I was wondering what the water mill- well, blacksmill now I guess- was about, cause it seemed like i had to do a riddle to unlock it or something. Sounds good though, cause mods+proper tool upgrades=game breaker's/bug finder's dream. 

You seem to have planned for everything, though cause I'm outta ideas (for now... for now), so... back to aimlessly wandering around wondering how to do the grave puzzle (I still haven't done a sigle one, it's sad). 

reealy quickly, do you have any reccomendations for the walk-thru for that cave puzzle? I cant seem to find good videos, as in I'll get the sphinx, or I'll get the song but not any sort of...riddle.

It's the first door in the first dungeon, you get the notes to play the song from someone in the village nearby 

ohhh! i gotcha. Thanks!