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I am not sure if I understand your question correctly but if you want something similar to what I have in my game check out the tutorials regarding lighting in godot.

(1 edit)

Yes, something similar to the light mechanic in your game.  I'm also interested in learning how to create the masking effect where you can always see the floor and other static items in the level but you can see the enemies or some specific items only when they are in direct line of sight. 

I followed this tutorial but the masking effect was glitchy when I tried it in Unity.

Anyway, I'll checkout Godot lighting meanwhile. If you know where I can learn about this above mentioned masking in Godot, let me know. Cheers!

PS: When are you releasing Deadly Shadows full game? You should definitely expand the game!

This masking effect is something that I am still trying to figure out myself.

About the Deadly shadows I would love to make it a full scale game but at the moment I have to focus on my university studies. Hopefully in the near future I will start working on it again. 


Ah, I see. I hope everything goes well with your studies. I look forward to seeing what else you will make in the future!