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I will always support more side character content... since a couple of those "side characters" are my favorite girls. ^_^;  

The farmable garden seems neat, but I personally would shy away from growing stat-boosting items or anything really usable.  A active-to-passive income generation with tied-in story content - LOTS of tied-in story content :P - would be wonderful.  Really, I just want more to do in the garden... and the hot springs... and the laundry room (don't give me that look :P ) in general.  I keep habitually visiting these places over and over hoping something will appear there, but they're so underused right now.  Ultimately I'll be happy with just about anything to increase the traffic and events in these areas, but being able to produce usable items with actual effects just creates an unnecessary headache for both you and us.

Adding holidays... well, I'm certainly not opposed, but in a game that currently is so meandering and at-your-own-pace, tying in timed content can be difficult to script.  What if an in-game major holiday happens while I'm away at sea for spoiler reasons?  Do I just miss it?  Does the game interrupt one of the most important story segments in the game to show me mysteriously back at home and having a grand ole time with my favorite elf?  Will there be a scripted warning before starting lengthy story segments ("Grand Poobah Day in 2 days, are you sure you want to start this event now?")  We'll also need a tighter reign on certain events that claim to take all day, or even multiple days, but only actually advance the in-game time by a single time segment.  

A new main character... you mean 5 of them, of course, yeah?  One more to fill out the second floor, and then another 4 for that third floor you're going to let me build onto the hotel.  Right?  RIGHT!?  Right... :P

More Explore content?  Yes, please.  Drow content!?!  YES, PLEASE!!!!  I was so looking forward to being able to purchase save that drow from Lin's contest event, but she's the only one who never showed up. T_T

The stupid cell phone... ugh.  So many games keep adding this feature.  I'm old!  I don't care about you kids and your dang beep boop rectangles! D:<  I just want to be able to call my mom once a week, I don't need the interwebs or pokemans on my phone!  *sigh*  Haha, I'm a cranky old man with a flip phone IRL.  An interactive mobile phone is FINE... I guess... but even in game I'll just fumble around and not know how to use it. XD

Option for a no-sex run?  Sounds too much like real life. :P

Thanks for the response :)