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Wow, the game was cool, but I'm not sure what meta-fiction is so... Anyway, I liked the characters (especially Ariadne). So sad when they die! Although sometimes dies someone you haven't talked to yet. I looking forward to find out what is going to happen in the end!


Meta-fiction is just a story that makes reference to the medium in which the story is shared, like Undertale, Doki Doki Literature Club, etc. Usually this means breaking the fourth wall, alluding to things necessary to tell the story but not typically considered in-universe (like what case the characters "speak" in),  and/or being self-conscious of the story's own literary structure (point out tropes, plot holes, etc.)

Thank you for the definition! Meta-fiction does sound like fun

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing! :D

I'm glad you liked the characters, I really tried to make them fun to talk to. And my favorite one, I mean, The Creator favorite one is... nobody! Bwahahaha! (just kidding hahaha I like all of them...)

And tykenn explained really well the concept, including my inspiration in Undertale hahaha