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The graphics are really cute, and the music & sound effects are super cozy too!

It's a little bit hard to rate the gameplay because... I'm not sure the full vertical slice is here. Like there's a big tutorial chapter, but we never get into the core gameplay loop - we only get the paper to write letters at the end of the game, and we never get a use for the cages or the second desk. I'm interested to see what those would be for, because I feel like there was a whole birdkeeping mechanic we never got to see.

The interactions are a bit frustrating... for instance, it took me multiple minutes to find the back button to start the game, because the button is the same color as the background. And it took me forever to realize I had to click the box multiple times in order to convince Dennis to stock up the paper, there's no real indication that Dennis is intentionally shirking her duties.

I do love the little story, I can't wait to see it unfold some more!